1. Your family.

Write a short text introducing your family to your tutor. Include information about different people in your family. Use some of the words that you studied in VOCABULARY.

Write about 10-15 sentences.

2. True or false?

Write six sentences about yourself. Write about ...

  • something you usually do
  • something you never do
  • something you are doing now, which you don't usually do
  • an exciting thing you did in the past
  • something you have done or haven't done for the past few years
  • something you are doing in the near future

Make some of the sentences true and some false. See if your tutor can guess which are false.

For example:

True or false?
I usually get up at 6 a.m. and walk for an hour before I have breakfast.
I never visit my family at Christmas.
At the moment I'm studying Chinese.
Ten years ago I saw Kylie Minogue at Heathrow airport and I asked her for an autograph.
I haven't smoked for the past two years.
Next month my wife and I are travelling by bicycle through China.