1. Surprise and disbelief.

Here is part of the story from READING again. There are five ways of saying that something is difficult to believe. Find them and put them in the box.

A photo of a hand holding a coin, scratching the coin on a lottery scratch card.

2. Pronunciation: Surprise and disbelief.

Listen to, repeat and record the expressions.

Listen, and put the expressions in the order that you hear them. Then listen again, and practise saying them.

3. Surprise and disbelief.

Choose the best answer.

4. Expressing no surprise.

When you are NOT surprised what do you say?

5. Missing word.

What ONE word can you use to complete these sentences?

1. Bill _____ his old job back.
2. Bill and Lisa _____ engaged.
3. Then Bill _____ really lucky
4. He has _____ a new car.


6. Get.

Got is the past of get. What other words go with get/got? Put them in the box.

7. Missing words.

Complete the text.