Transcript for "Happy Families"

Isabel: How was your first English class, Maria?
Maria: Oh, I'm so tired, the children won't listen to me and they are very slow when they take out their bags, and books, and pens and notebooks! What about you?
Isabel: Oh, it was fine. First I told the children to put their things on the desk then I was strict when they answered questions.
Maria: Really, what did you say?
Isabel: I only asked the students who put their hands up. I think it's important to know their names too so I made them write their names on a paper and put it on the desk in front of them. It's much easier to control a child if you know his or her name.
Maria: Did you move them round the class a lot, because my children are really noisy when they work in a big group and have to move the chairs.
Isabel: My children too are really noisy if they're in a big group for too long or with the same partner all class. I think it's a good idea to change interaction, so your classes are not too repetitive.
Maria: What do you mean?
Isabel: Having them working in different groupings - sometimes individual, sometimes pairs or threes and I put the children in big groups if they have to play a game or do a competition. I think it depends on the kind of activity you want to do.
Maria: But don't they speak in Spanish a lot when they're in pairs or groups?
Isabel: Well sometimes, but I try to monitor them and encourage English.
Maria: Well, thank for your advice, I'll try some of your ideas tomorrow.