Email: Giving directions

1. Giving directions.

Read the email and choose the correct options to complete the sentences below.

Dear Daniel,

Here are the instructions about how to get to my house. From the airport you can take the bus or the train. The bus costs about £4, and the train costs about £3. You arrive in terminal A, and there is a bus stop next to the terminal. So I recommend that you take the bus. There is a bus every 15 minutes.

The bus takes you to the centre of town, and you get off in the main square. From the main square you can take a taxi to my house. A taxi costs about £5, and it takes about 20 minutes. The address is 28 West Street. My house is next to the bank.

See you Sunday!


2. Sentences.

Choose the correct option to reconstruct the email.

3. Word order.

Put the words in order to complete sentences from the previous exercise.

4. Sentences.

Choose the correct option to complete the text.

5. Write.

1. Write directions to your house.

Write an email to a friend. Explain how to get to your house from:

  • the centre of town


  • the airport


  • the train/bus station

Write about 50 words.