1. Answer the questions below. If you don’t have an exercise routine, describe someone else’s routine.

How do you get exercise? Describe your exercise routine.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow your exercise routine?

Post your description and advice in the Lower Intermediate Forum. For example:

Three years ago I decided that I needed to lose some weight, so I started to go running. I run three times a week before breakfast. When the weather is bad I go to the gym and run on a treadmill. In the beginning I ran for about ten minutes, but now I can keep going for about 45 minutes. I love running – I feel much healthier, I sleep better and my weight is under control!
My advice:
You should buy good running shoes. Always wear shoes that are specially designed for running.
Start your routine by walking for 10 minutes. Then start running slowly and gradually run faster. At the end you should cool down by walking for 5 minutes.

2. Go to the Lower Intermediate Forum. Read a couple of the other students’ exercise routines and advice. Click on "Write a reply" and write another piece of advice. For example:

You should buy your shoes from a special running store. They can give you the best advice about which shoes to buy.