1. Words with the /ɔː/ and /ʌ/ sounds.

The /ɔː/ and /ʌ/ sounds
Look at examples of these two vowel sounds.  
/ɔː/; for example, door and more
/ʌ/; for example, up and come

Which is the odd one out in each line? Click the word that has a different vowel sound.

2. Words with the /ʌ/ sounds.

Listen to, repeat and record the words.

3. Words with the /ɔː/ sounds.

Listen to, repeat and record the words.

4. Talking about sport.

Listen to someone talking about doing sports at school. Mark the sentences true or false.

5. Speaking.

Listen and follow. Then read and record the transcript. Try to use the rhythm, phrasing and intonation that the speaker uses in the example.