Email: Describing clothing gifts

1. Clothes vocabulary.

Look and listen.

2. Describing clothes.

Look at these two people. Read the description then drag the words into the right places.

picture of two people

Now listen to how these words are pronounced.

3. An email about a visit.

Read the email and mark the statements true or false.

Dear Ana,

Thanks for inviting me to stay with your family during the next summer holidays.  I'm really excited! I would like to bring some gifts of clothes from the States for you and your family when I come. Please tell me what kind of clothes they wear, what styles they like, what sizes they take. Well, see you really soon, Ana.

Lots of love,


4. A reply email.

Complete Ana's email replying to Missy with the phrases below.

5. Write.

1. An email response.

You receive this email from a friend who lives in the United States:

Thanks for inviting me to stay with your family during my next summer vacation. I would like to bring some gifts of clothes from the States for you and your family when I come. Please tell me what kind of clothes they wear, what styles they like, what sizes they wear and any brand names that are especially popular in your country.

Write an email in reply to your friend, including the following information about yourself and one or two members of your family:

  • the clothes you and the members of your family like wearing
  • the styles you and the members of your family prefer
  • the sizes you and the members of your family wear
  • the brand names you and the members of your family would like

Write between 100 and 150 words.

Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully.