Biography: Description of a career path

1. Career events.

Put these "career events" in their usual order by clicking and dragging the words.

2. Read.

Read this description of a career path.

"I studied architecture at the state university. After I graduated, I immediately applied for lots of jobs and managed to get a few interviews. It wasn't difficult to get work in big offices, but the pay wasn't very good and the work was really boring. The idea was that you stick to the one job in a big company and slowly get promoted.

"I couldn't wait that long. I started working for a friend of mine who'd set up a small construction company and I was able to build houses with my own hands. It was great. I learned so much during that time.

"I went on to set up a small office with two other people who I graduated with. Subsequently we've split up and I work by myself now at home. This suits me because it means I have more time with my two children. Although it's hard to get away from your work. It's always there in front of you. Also, I often have to wait until the kids are in bed before I can get any work done."

3. Order sentences.

Without looking at the text, put these sentences in the correct order.

4. Text completion.

Can you remember? Study the description for one minute. When you are ready, click on the Start button. You have five minutes to type in the missing words from memory. Type a word into the box and press Enter (or Return).

4. Write.

1. A career path.

In approximately 150-200 words, write a description of your own career path (real or proposed/imagined, or of someone you know).

Before you start, look again at the language covered in this unit:

  • work vocabulary
  • linking events (after, later, next, followed by, went on to, subsequently, etc.)
  • events in a career path (see exercise 1)

Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully.