Blog: Danger in sport

1. Extreme sports.

Check that you know what these words mean:  exertion  equipment  stunt

Put the phrases in order to complete a definition of extreme sports.

Extreme sports is

2. Read.

Read a comment from a blog about extreme sports. What is the function of each paragraph? Choose the correct option.

3. Conjunctions.

Click on the highlighted words and choose the correct function.


General introduction to the topic
I think that taking part in extreme sports is just a craze. Now that these activities are fashionable, everybody wants to give them a try.

Specific information: where, who, why
Speeding down mountains or jumping into rivers might look like fun; however, I’m concerned that not everyone is taking proper safety precautions. What's more, as these "sports" become more popular in this country, the rescue services are being called out more and more to help people out of danger.

Possible result / Conclusion
Some people obviously can’t make the decision to act responsibly by themselves, so I think that extreme sports should be banned - or at least regulated by the government.

4. Choice of words.

Complete the blog comment by choosing the best options.

5. Write.

Write a reply to the comment in the previous exercises, giving your opinion on the topic of danger and extreme activities. Make notes before you write. Organise your comment like this:

  1. General introduction to the topic
  2. Specific information: where, who, why
  3. Possible result / Conclusion

however, so, what's more

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and the organisation of your blog entry carefully.