Description: My routine

1. Daily activities.

What's the activity?

Listen and repeat the activities.

2. Daily activities.

Put the activities in the correct order.

1 2 3

3. Time and sequencing expressions.

Use the expressions to complete the description.

4. After and then.

after + noun/that e.g. After lunch I have a siesta.
I have a shower. After that I get ready for school.
then + subject + verb e.g. I have breakfast, then I have a shower.

Write after or then in the sentences.

5. Verbs.

Read the description again. When you are ready, select the Start button, and some words will disappear. You have five minutes to type in the missing words from memory. Type a word into the box and press Enter (or Return).

6. Write.

1. Write about your day.

Write a description of a typical day in your life. Write between 75 and 100 words. Include these expressions:

  • on weekdays
  • at about (+ time)
  • in the morning/afternoon
  • after
  • then
  • between (time) and (time)
  • from (time) to (time)