Fact file: A job

1. A job fact file.

Choose the correct headings to complete the job fact file.

2. What is the job?

What do you think? What job does the fact file in the previous exercise describe?

3. Useful phrases.

Complete the fact file from exercise 1 with the phrases below.

4. Useful phrases.

Put the words in order to complete sentences about different jobs.

5. Write.

1. An unusual job.

Write a fact file about a different unusual job. Do not say what the job is. Show your text to a friend to guess what the job is. Write about 150 words.

Use these headings:

In general
Work and training
Free time

Use these useful words and phrases:

Most people ...
In this job you can ...
Let's look at ...

You need to ...
It's important to know about ...
In this job you usually ...
This can be a problem ...

Also ...
However, ...
too, but ...

Check the grammar, spelling and organisation of your writing carefully.