
might / will

1. Read.

Read the introduction of an article about feng shui.

Making a House into a Home

This month's House and Home looks at feng shui, the 3,000-year-old Chinese art of living harmoniously in our homes.

Have you ever gone into a neighbour's house and felt immediately at home? Or you walk into an office or building and feel uncomfortable, but you don't know why? You could be experiencing the effects of feng shui.

The Chinese believe all things contain energy. Feng shui, meaning "wind and water", is the art of organising buildings to use this energy positively. It can have an effect on our homes, relationships and work, too. Use our guide to improve your home – and life!

Now put the words in order to give advice about feng shui.

2. Sentence completion.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

For more information about might and will see the Grammar Reference.

3. Describing precautions.


We can use the imperative form of the verb and will or might to describe precautions and possible results.

imperative or something might

e.g. Take an umbrella... or you might
get wet.


Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

4. Can you remember?

Look at the sentences in the previous exercise for two minutes. Can you remember and complete them below?