8. Eyes:   Braille

11. Reading: Braille.

Braille is a special alphabet for blind people. It is made of dots that blind people read by touch.
Use the Braille alphabet and write the words.

Write the Braille words.




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12. Reading: The life of Louis Braille.

Choose the correct picture for each paragraph.
1. Louis Braille was born near Paris, France, in 1809. He became blind when he was three years old. One day he was playing in his father's workshop when he accidentally cut one of his eyes. Both his eyes became infected and soon Louis was blind.

2. Louis went to a special school in Paris for blind children called the Royal Institution for the Blind. But Louis found it very difficult to learn; the teachers talked and talked, but he didn’t learn anything. He wanted a system to help him read and write.

3. One day a soldier named Charles Barbier visited his school. Barbier talked about his invention called night writing, an alphabet that used combinations of 12 dots so that soldiers could share secret information without talking. The system was too difficult for soldiers, but not for 12-year-old Louis Braille!

4. Louis made the system simpler; he used six dots instead of 12 dots. When he was only 15 years old he published the first Braille book.

5. Today, the Braille system is used all over the world, and there are thousands of books in Braille. Louis Braille is a hero to blind people for inventing his reading and writing system when he was only 15 years old.

Now listen and read again.


13. Practice: Past simple.

Use the past verbs to complete the text.

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Now listen and read.