Verb patterns: verb + noun + infinitive with to

help him to speak

1. Verb pattern: verb + noun + infinitive with to.

The dolphins helped him to speak.

The following verbs follow the same pattern and have a similar meaning:


Change the following sentences to make new sentences using the verbs in brackets.

For example:

Thanks to the dolphins, he spoke. (enable)
The dolphins enabled him to speak.

2. Verb pattern: want + noun phrase + infinitive with to.

active: She wants me to pick her up.
passive: I'm sometimes forced to eat standing up.

Some verbs that follow this pattern are:

    verbs about feelings: like, love, need, prefer, want
    verbs about getting people to do things: advise, ask, cause, convince, force, invite, persuade, order, remind, request, tell, warn

Put the word on the left in the correct place in the sentence.

3. Verb pattern: want + noun phrase + infinitive with to.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. Do not use more than four words. Do not change the word given.