Present perfect + for and since

I've lived here for ...

1. Present perfect with for and since.

We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about actions that began in the past and continue now.

We use for with a period of time:

I have lived in New York City for 10 years.
(I started living in New York City 10 years ago, and I live there now.)

We use since with a point in time:

I have lived in New York City since 2003.
(I started living in New York City in 2003, and I live there now.)

Look at the time expressions below. Which do you use with for and which with since? Drag them to the correct box.

2. For and since.

Complete the following sentences with either for or since.

3. Questions with How long.

Look at the example and then use the verbs in brackets to complete the questions starting with How long.


Q: How long have you lived here? (live)
A: Not long. I moved here last summer.

4. Questions and answers.

Can you remember? Choose the correct answer to the questions.

5. Present Perfect.

Look at the examples. Choose the correct option to complete the rule.

I have been here for half an hour.
We have lived here for three years.
Janet has worked with us since January.

6. Revision: Past participles.

Type in the missing infinitives and past participles to complete the chart.