
Reciprocal verbs: plural noun + verb + with each other

We use reciprocal verbs and reflexive pronouns such as each other to describe actions that happen mutually. (We can also use one another in these sentences.)

  • They debated with each other.
  • The fans fought with each other.
  • We agreed with one another.

Verbs that follow this pattern are agree, argue, chat, debate, disagree, discuss (something), fight, joke, quarrel, reach an agreement and row.

We can also describe these actions using the pattern below:

plural noun + verb + among + plural reflexive pronoun

Therefore, these two sentences have the same meaning:

  • Paul and I argued with each other about the situation.
  • Paul and I argued among ourselves about the situation.

Here are some more examples:

  • The fans fought among themselves.
  • We reached an agreement among ourselves.
  • Do you and your friends often joke among yourselves?

However, in sentences with non-reciprocal verbs, changing -selves for each other changes the meaning.


  • We wrote notes to each other. (I wrote to him and he wrote to me.)
  • We wrote notes to ourselves. (I wrote to myself and he wrote to himself.)