Sports reports

track, pitch, umpire...

1. Sports reports.

Read these newspaper extracts. Which sport is each extract about?

2. Reading comprehension.

Now answer these questions about the newspaper extracts.

Extract 1
Dunfermline Club has received 1.55 million pounds for redevelopment. New stands in the stadium, a new pitch and new goals are urgently needed before the start of the next season. Visiting referees have frequently complained about the condition of the club facilities.
Extract 2
The Women's Singles Championship has been won for the second year running by Ivana Nitovich of the Ukraine. Nitovich was so delighted by her second victory that as the match finished, she dropped her racket, rushed off the court, and threw her arms around the umpire and kissed him.
Extract 3
The Moscow Dragons swept to an 84-70 victory over the Philadelphia Riders last night, scoring 10 points in the last three minutes of the match. Ecstatic fans filled the court as the referee blew the final whistle. At half-time the Dragons had been losing by 4 points.

3. Vocabulary.

Put these words into the correct categories.