Opinions qualified with adverbs

virtually, relatively, probably...

1. Qualifying what you say: adverbs.


The World Wide Web has always offered an unlimited source of information, but only recently has this information been tapped…

The World Wide Web has always offered a virtually unlimited source of information, but only relatively recently has this information been tapped…


If you answer yes to all these questions, you are just the right type...

If you answer yes to all these questions, you are probably just the right type...


The quality of interaction is much better and more personalised than in traditional onsite education.

The quality of interaction is generally much better and more personalised than in traditional onsite education.

Words like virtually, relatively, probably and generally can be used to qualify statements, and to make them less assertive and therefore more acceptable.

Make the follow statements less assertive by putting the word on the left in the right place in the sentence.

2. Qualifying adverbs.

Choose the best word to complete the sentences.