Letter to the editor: Describing an invention

1. An environmental problem.

Read this letter to a newspaper about an environmental problem.

29 Great Russell St.

18th Dec. 2008


I walk my dog twice a day and always pick up my dog's poo with a plastic bag. It bothers me to see how many people don't do this. However, I'm also concerned about the damage the plastic does to the environment when we throw bags away. When will someone invent a biodegradable bag for this?

Yours faithfully,

Oscar Bedford


2. A solution.

A short time later Marina, a reader, wrote to the newspaper with a solution to the problem. Here is a description of her invention and how it works.

2 January 2009
Flat C
145 Acre Lane
Bristol BN9


Dear Sir/Madam

I have designed a "Doggy poo bag" which is completely biodegradable. This means it can be thrown in the toilet and flushed away. The bag is made of tissue paper which is coated with a mixture of melted sugar and corn flour. This makes the paper stronger. Then the paper is folded and double stitched down the sides. The bag has a big flap which it can be rolled in to keep it until it is thrown away.


Marina Nazipan

Which of these drawings is closest to the description of Marina's invention?

3. Verb patterns.

Look at these two sentences using the word bother.

"It bothers me to see how many plastic bags are given out by cashiers in supermakets." "I am bothered by how many plastic bags are given out by cashiers in supermarkets."

Here bother means worry or annoy. Other verbs that can be used in the same way are these:

annoy - upset, irritate, bug (this is an informal or colloquial word)
worry - concern, interest, puzzle
surprise - amaze, shock
please - comfort

For example-text:

"It pleases me to see how much progress you have made." "I am pleased by how much progress you have made."

Put the words in order to make sentences that follow the same pattern.

4. Write.

Write a similar letter to a newspaper describing a "small" environmental problem. Then think of a solution to the problem and describe how it is made, how it works and how this makes it more eco-friendly.

Here are some suggestions:

  • graffiti remover
  • biodegradable chewing gum
  • a use for old newspapers, magazines or CDs
  • long-life paper hankies
  • silent car horns
  • solar-powered street lights
  • biodgradable cigarette butts
  • reusing old car tyres

Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully.