Letter: Giving advice

1. A problem letter.

Read the problem letter. Then answer the questions.

Dear Stella,

I always seem to fall in love with my close male friends. I don't know why this is. I'm 16, but I've never had a proper relationship. I think there's something wrong with me, because no boy seems to want me. I don't think I am bad-looking. I think I'm quite pretty and generally a nice person. I have lots of friends, but nobody wants to be more than that. It's terrible, I'm 16! Nobody else I know has this problem.

A few months ago I thought I was in love with a friend. Well, I still like him a lot. The problem is I never told him how I feel. I asked another friend of mine to tell him. So he knew but said nothing to me. If he felt the same way about me, he would do something about it. I'm lonely, and jealous of other people who have relationships. I know this is wrong, but I can't help it. What can I do? Please help me.



Are these sentences true or false?

2. Giving advice.

There are many different ways of giving advice.

You should tell him.
You ought to tell him.
Why not tell him?
Why don't you tell him?
ought to + infinitive
Why not  

Consider telling him. Consider + -ing form

Tell him. imperative form

If I were you, I would tell him.
conditional sentence


Listen to how to say these sentences. Practise saying them.

3. Word order.

Put the words in order to make more sentences giving advice.

Listen to check your answers.

4. Can you remember?

Do you remember the examples in exercise 2? Type in the word to complete the examples. (All sentences are using the verb tell.)

5. Write.

Click here to see Geraldine's problem letter again from exercise 1. Write a reply to Geraldine giving her advice. Use these phrases. Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and the organisation of your reply.

Dear Geraldine,
You seem to be ...
It's not your fault. Try to ...
Why don't you ...? You should ... If I were you, I'd ... Why not ...?
Nobody is ... Not everybody is ...
Maybe ...
Finally, remember that ...
I hope you find my advice useful.
Best wishes,
[your name]

Dear Stella,

I always seem to fall in love with my close male friends. I don't know why this is. I'm 16, but I've never had a proper relationship. I think there's something wrong with me, because no boy seems to want me. I don't think I am bad-looking. I think I'm quite pretty and generally a nice person. I have lots of friends, but nobody wants to be more than that. It's terrible, I'm 16! Nobody else I know has this problem.

A few months ago I thought I was in love with a friend. Well, I still like him a lot. The problem is I never told him how I feel. I asked another friend of mine to tell him. So he knew but said nothing to me. If he felt the same way about me, he would do something about it. I'm lonely, and jealous of other people who have relationships. I know this is wrong, but I can't help it. What can I do? Please help me.

