
Verb patterns: verb + -ing

Three verbs with similar meaning that take the pattern verb + -ing are recommend, advise and suggest.

  • She advises keeping an egg timer by the computer.
  • They recommend arriving on time for the performance.
  • She suggests ringing him to find out what has happened.

The pattern changes if the person who is receiving the recommendation is mentioned.



+ noun

+ verb



recommend (that)

the audience


on time for the performance.


suggests (that)



him to find out what has happened.

Note that advise cannot be used with this pattern.

  • She advises that addicts keep an egg timer by the computer.

Instead, with advise, we can use the infinitive.

  • She advises addicts to keep an egg timer by the computer.

We can use passive forms of recommend and advise.

  • Addicts are recommended to keep an egg timer by the computer.
  • Addicts are advised to keep an egg timer by the computer.

Note that suggest cannot be used with this pattern.

  • Addicts are suggested to keep an egg timer by the computer.