# Options ## separator Type: `String` Default: `grunt.util.linefeed` Concatenated files will be joined on this string. If you're post-processing concatenated JavaScript files with a minifier, you may need to use a semicolon `';'` as the separator. ## banner Type: `String` Default: empty string This string will be prepended to the beginning of the concatenated output. It is processed using [grunt.template.process][], using the default options. _(Default processing options are explained in the [grunt.template.process][] documentation)_ ## footer Type: `String` Default: empty string This string will be appended to the end of the concatenated output. It is processed using [grunt.template.process][], using the default options. _(Default processing options are explained in the [grunt.template.process][] documentation)_ ## stripBanners Type: `Boolean` `Object` Default: `false` Strip JavaScript banner comments from source files. * `false` - No comments are stripped. * `true` - `/* ... */` block comments are stripped, but _NOT_ `/*! ... */` comments. * `options` object: * By default, behaves as if `true` were specified. * `block` - If true, _all_ block comments are stripped. * `line` - If true, any contiguous _leading_ `//` line comments are stripped. ## process Type: `Boolean` `Object` Default: `false` Process source files as [templates][] before concatenating. * `false` - No processing will occur. * `true` - Process source files using [grunt.template.process][] defaults. * `options` object - Process source files using [grunt.template.process][], using the specified options. * `function(src, filepath)` - Process source files using the given function, called once for each file. The returned value will be used as source code. _(Default processing options are explained in the [grunt.template.process][] documentation)_ [templates]: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/wiki/grunt.template [grunt.template.process]: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/wiki/grunt.template#wiki-grunt-template-process