1. Vocabulary: Tourism quiz.

How good is your tourism vocabulary? Listen and choose the correct word for each definition you hear.

You can see the transcript of the definitions here.

2. Vocabulary: Practice.

Use the words to complete the sentences.

Now listen and repeat the words and sentences.

3. Video: Starting a walking tour.

Put the following things in a logical order then watch the video. Do these things happen in the same order in the video?

4. Video: A walking tour.

Watch the video again and mark the sentences true or false.

5. Greeting and giving information.

Use the phrases to complete what the guide says.

Now you can watch the video again and follow the subtitles.

6. Greeting and giving information.

Put the words in order to complete sentences from the video.

7. Using question tags.

Question tags

Look at the example.

We've been lucky with the weather, haven't we?

Haven't we? is a question tag. These are quite common in spoken English. We can add question tags to a statement to ask for agreement or confirmation. Question tags have a meaning similar to Is this true? or Do you agree? Look at more examples of question tags:

It's a nice day, isn't it?
I'm a bit late, aren't I?
You're French, aren't you?
We can swim here, can't we?
The shops close at midday, don't they?
That was a great day, wasn't it?

Note how a negative statement is followed by an affirmative question tag.
You won't get lost, will you?
I'm not going too fast, am I?
You haven't seen this before, have you?

Match the two parts to complete sentences with question tags.

Now listen and repeat the sentences.

8. Making small talk.

During a walking tour the guide chats to one of the tour participants. Listen and put the topics of the conversation in the correct order.

9. Making small talk.

Use the phrases to complete the conversation, then listen to check your answers.

10. Making small talk: Asking questions.

There are different ways of asking simple questions. Match the questions that have the same meaning.

11. Making small talk: Asking questions.

Can you remember? Type in the missing words to complete the questions. The first letter of some words is given.

12. Review: Making recommendations.

Listen and type the recommendations that you hear. Don't forget to start each sentence with a CAPITAL letter, and you will have to use contractions when you hear them.