1. Vocabulary review.

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

2. Vocabulary: Travel problems.

Here are words and phrases that relate to problems that people can encounter while travelling. Put the words and phrases into the appropriate category.

3. Dealing with problems.

What should you do in these problem situations? Drag the steps into a logical order.

Problem 1: Lost baggage

Problem 2: Stolen passport

Problem 3: Medical treatment

4. Practice.

Type in the missing words to complete the sentences in each section. The first letter of each word is given.

5. Expressing future ability and necessity.

Look at these examples:

Will be able for future ability
The doctor will be able to see you tomorrow at 10:00.

Will be required for future necessity
You will be required to pay a deposit.

Put the words in order to complete more sentences expressing ability or necessity.

6. Explaining what to do.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the explanations. This exercise is in three sections.

7. Video: Dealing with a problem.

A guide is talking to a tourist about a problem. Watch the video and choose the correct answer to each question.

8. Video: Dealing with a problem.

Watch the video again and choose the correct options.

9. Useful expressions.

Match the two parts to complete sentences from the video.

10. Video: Dealing with a problem.

Look at the different stages of the conversation from the video in the previous exercises. The stages are not in the correct order. Put them in the order that they occurred in the video.

Now watch the video again with subtitles.

11. Dealing with a problem.

Complete the dialogue with phrases from the box.

12. Speaking practice.

Practise the dialogue. Say your lines in the silent spaces of the audio.

Tour guide: Hi, Mrs Johansen, can I speak to you for a minute? It's about the tour you and your husband booked for tomorrow.
Mrs Johansen: Oh ...
Tour guide: Yes, unfortunately there is. I'm afraid there has been an overbooking on the wetlands birdwatching tour that you and your husband booked.
Mrs Johansen: Oh ...
Tour guide: We're very sorry about this. We've only just been informed ourselves about the overbooking. However, we've been working hard to come up with an alternative for you and would like to see what you think.
Mrs Johansen: Alternative! Oh. ...
Tour guide: Yes, there is. Actually, there are two places free on the Monegros tour, which also starts tomorrow.

Now listen again to the original version of the dialogue. You can practise the dialogue again now!

13. More travel problems.

Match the two halves to complete more sentences describing travel problems.

14. Writing Tutorial 2.

Write a short dialogue about dealing with a problem. Choose ONE of the situations below, or write about a real problem that you had to deal with at work.


  1. The airport bus service is not functioning because of a strike.
  2. A room reservation has been lost because of a computer error.
  3. The walking tour has been cancelled because of lack of interest.
  4. A visit to the temple has been re-scheduled because of the prime minister's visit.
  5. There is a €10 surcharge on the taxi fare because it's after midnight.
  6. You have had to change a tour itinerary because of bad weather and flooding.

You can use the dialogue from exercise 12 as a model. Try to use the phrases in bold.

Tour guide: Hi, Mrs Johansen, can I speak to you for a minute? It's about the tour you and your husband booked for tomorrow.
Mrs Johansen: Oh ...
Tour guide: Yes, unfortunately there is. I'm afraid there has been an overbooking on the wetlands birdwatching tour that you and your husband booked.
Mrs Johansen: Oh ...
Tour guide: We're very sorry about this. We've only just been informed ourselves about the overbooking. However, we've been working hard to come up with an alternative for you and would like to see what you think.
Mrs Johansen: Alternative! Oh. ...
Tour guide: Yes, there is. Actually, there are two places free on the Monegros tour, which also starts tomorrow.

Write 150 to 250 words.