Odd one out answers
A: Right, so the first line. Which word is the odd one out here?
B: Well. Let's see. This is quite easy. Breakfast, lunch and supper are three different meals, like in the morning, at midday and in the evening. So, I think the word meal is the odd one out because it's a generic word. The other three are specific meals.
A: Yes. Correct. What about number two?
B: Guest, host, visitor and tourist. Well, guest, visitor and tourist are more or less synonyms, aren't they? They are all people who come to visit.
A: Yes, that's right.
B: So the odd one out is host. That’s the person who receives guests.
A: Excellent.
B: Which brings us to number three. These are all physical actions.
A: Yes, they are.
B: But I think three of them are things that you do when you greet people; shaking hands, kissing and bowing ... like in Japan, when you greet someone. In that case, the odd one out is walking.
A: Right again!
B: OK, so number four. These look like they could be parts of the body.
A: Hand, back, cheek, ... yeah, OK.
B: Yes, except for wish, which is a verb, meaning to want something, or want something to be different.
A: Except when you wish someone happy birthday, when it's like hope or desire.
B: That's right. Now, number five ... Hmm. Oh I see. Three of these are modal verbs and one isn't. Allow is a verb, so that's the odd one out.
A: Yes, that's what it says here in the answers. What about number six?
B: Hmm. These are all adjectives, I reckon. Oh. No they're not. Correctly is an adverb.
A: Yep. And the odd one out.
B: And in number seven we have items of clothing. Bikini, dress, board shorts, .... Board shorts are a type of swimming costume. So, this means that litter is the odd one out. Litter is rubbish that you drop in the street.
A: Well, it's rubbish. Ideally you drop it in the litter bin, not in the street.
B: Yeah, that's what I meant.
A: In number eight we've got adjectives again, but this time ... I think ... oh yeah. I see. Calm, reasonable and polite are all positive things, aren't they. All good things.
B: Whereas ...
A: Whereas unruly is a negative thing. When you are unruly you don't follow the rules. Is that right?
B: Yes, it's like someone who is disruptive and difficult to control.
A: Exactly. Nearly there. Number nine. Thumb, wave, gesture, point. Hmm. Well, wave, gesture and point are all things that you do with your hand. So I think thumb is the odd one out, as it's the short fat finger on the side of your hand.
B: Yes, although there is that expression, to thumb a lift, you know, to hitchhike.
A: True.
B: But yes, you are right.
A: Which brings us to number 10. Bill, dessert, fare, and tip.
B: They look like money words. You ask for a bill in a restaurant. You pay a fare in a taxi, and you give a tip ... in a restaurant or a taxi, or ...
A: Yes, you do. But dessert, of course, is what you have after the main course!
B: Exactly. Is it time for lunch?