
A: Hello, is Sandy there, please?
B: Speaking.
A: Oh, hi, Sandy. It's Jeni here.
B: Hi, Jeni. How are you?
A: Fine, thanks, and you?
B: Fine. So, have you got any more information about the holidays?
A: Yeah, well, I've been talking to a couple of agencies, and I've got a lot of information. First of all, it seems like the best option would be to rent a house at one of the northern beaches. Does that sound all right to you? And maybe we could share with a few other people.
B: Yeah, that sounds great, and I'm sure we could find someone to share with – plenty of people at college were saying they didn't have any plans yet. We could ask Mark and Lisa, maybe, and Lee and Ricki.
A: Yeah, that would be good. Anyway, I got information about a few different places, because I didn't want to make that decision by myself. So I'll tell you now what the agency told me, and then you can tell me what you think, OK?
B: Yeah, sure, go ahead. Do I need a pen?
A: Might be a good idea. Right then, well, there were three different houses which sounded interesting. The first one is on Beach Street – so I guess that's right near the beach – and is huge: it's got five bedrooms and lots of living space.
B: Wow, five bedrooms ... bet it's expensive!
A: Yeah, that was the most expensive one. It costs $500 a week. But on the other hand, we'd be sharing with lots of other people, so it probably wouldn't work out that much more than the other places. It's only available for the first week of January, and we have to decide within a week.
B: It sounds really nice, but I don't know if that week would suit everyone – it's a bit limited.
A: Yeah, it sounds great – oh, and listen – it's got a big veranda with sea views.
B: Hmm.
A: Yeah, well, the others ... let's see …. There's a two-bedroom house on Ocean Street. That sounds like it's near the beach, too, doesn't it?
B: Yes.
A: It sounded pretty good, but I suppose it would only fit about four or five of us.
B: Yeah, but that might be OK – we don't know who can come, remember.
A: True. Well, it's $300 a week, and it's only available for the last two weeks of January. The agency said that the owner lives next door – that might not be so good!
B: Well, not if we're having a party. On the other hand, if anything goes wrong, at least we can get it fixed quickly.
A: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you about the last one, and then we can try and decide. The last one is on a street called Main Street. The agency said that was quite near the beach ... I'm not really sure what that means.
B: Hmm, yes. How big is that one?
A: Well, it's two bedrooms, but it only costs $200 – a hundred less than the place on Ocean Street.
B: Well, that's a big difference. Do we know anything more about it?
A: It's available for the whole of January, which is good. Oh, and it's a flat – the top storey of a two-storey house.
B: Oh ... a flat.
A: Yeah, I prefer the idea of a house. Especially if we can just walk out the front door and be on the beach.
B: Yeah. So let's forget that one, shall we, and try to decide between the other two. The first one, the one on Beach Street, that was for five people, right? And the other one, on Ocean Street, is for two?
A: No, the one on Beach Street has five bedrooms and the one on Ocean Street has only two. That means we could have, I don't know, up to 10 people in the Beach Street house, but in the Ocean Street house, only four or five.
B: Right. Well, ten people would make it pretty cheap – only $50 a week each.
A: Yeah, but Sandy, I don't know if I want to share with so many people. You know, it's a holiday, I want to relax, and I think 10 is rather a lot.
B: True. Well, we could still have the five-bedroom house, but only invite another three or four people, you know.
A: Yeah, but then it would be more expensive. Maybe we should have the two-bedroom house.
B: But we'd be pretty crowded with five of us in a two-bedroom place, don't you think?
A: Yeah, that's true, and it's already crowded enough here where I live. I definitely don't want the same problem when I'm on holiday.
B: So it's settled then? We go for the big house, and we invite three or four other people to join us. It'll still only be about $100 each – that's not much for a week's holiday accommodation.
A: You're right, and that veranda sounds wonderful, doesn't it? And I'm sure some of the others at college will want to come. Remember, it has to be the first week of January.
B: OK, that's settled then. Thanks for all your work in finding the places. Do you want me to call the agency and make a booking?
A: No, that's all right, it'll only take a minute and they know me now, so it'll probably be easier if I do it.
B: OK then, Jeni. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?
A: Yeah, I'll see you in class. Bye.