Transcript for "Children as Learners"

Different activities in class

1. OK, so, I’ll count to three and we'll all sing together. Emma, you stand here at the board and point to the words as we sing them. Sitting up straight. Is everybody ready? Silence, please. 
2. Here are the scissors, the glue, the coloured pencils and the card. Now, can one member of each group come here, please, to get your group's materials? Remember, we have 15 minutes to finish our posters, and then we can display them around the room and see which one we like the best.
3. Now, books closed, please. Alex, are you listening? Right, so, books closed and hands on desks. I want you to listen carefully, because later I’ll be asking you to help me put these pictures in the order that they happen. Are you ready? OK. Let’s begin.
4. So, each group has the board, here, and you have your counters and dice. Does everybody have those now? Good. So, you take turns throwing the dice and moving around the board. When you land on a square, you – no, you tell me. What do you have to do? Jennifer?
5. OK, take the question page that you completed in our last class. Move around the class and ask five different classmates your questions. Don’t forget to note down the answers because later you will have to report back to me – tell me what you found out. So, just to check, Adam, can you tell the class what you are going to do?