Identifying different accents

bath - bath; bottle - bottle...

1. Accent.

You will hear three speakers saying a word. Two pronounce it the same way, but one pronounces it differently. Which is the different one?

2. Accent.

Now listen to the words from the previous exercise in sentences. Match the speakers to the sentences they say.

3. Accent.

Now see if you can identify these speakers.


4. Practice.

Listen and try saying the words in exercise 1 using two different accents – standard British English and a regional accent.

First example Second example
1. bath: Standard British English Northern England
2. look: Standard British English Scotland England
3. caught: Standard British English the United States
4. air: Standard British English New Zealand
5. calm: Standard British English the United States
6. bottles: Standard British English Southern England
7. car: Standard British English Northern Ireland
8. year: Standard British English South Africa