Complex numbers

Complex numbers (fifty-seven point five per cent).

1. Saying complex numbers.

Match the numbers to the way they are written and said.

2. Saying complex numbers.

Type in the missing words.

3. Listen and choose.

Listen and select the number you hear.

4. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat the sentences.

1. The newly-discovered planet lies 660 light years away.

2. The planet is roughly 2.4 times as wide as Earth.

3. Its orbit even resembles that of Earth's, taking 290 days to complete.

4. To date the Kepler telescope has spotted over 2,015 such candidates.

5. The Kepler telescope has been staring fixedly at over 150,000 stars between the constellations Cygnus
          and Lyra for the past three years.

6. The volume of the planet is approximately 15.5% that of Earth's.

7. Absolute zero is defined as –273.15 ºC.

8. The melting point of the element gallium is 85.5763 ºF.

9. The country's debt is expected to exceed $5 billion.

10. Australopithecus, an ape-like creature related to an ancestor of modern humans, roamed these plains
            2.7 million years ago.