
Reported thoughts

When we want to report what someone thought, we can use the phrase She/He thought that....

When we change from direct thought to reported thought, we also need to change tenses, pronouns and some other words when necessary.


When reporting past thoughts, we move the thought one tense into the past.

Direct thoughts

Reported thoughts

present simple
"I am in Turkey."
past simple
She thought that she was in Turkey.

present continuous
"We are talking to her brother."

past continuous
They thought that they were talking to her brother.

present perfect
"We have waited for this train long enough."

past perfect
They thought that they had waited for that train long enough.

past simple
"I lost the ticket on Friday."

past perfect
He thought that he had lost the ticket on Friday.
"I'll wait another five minutes."
He thought that he would wait another five minutes.
"I can go to Turkey by train."
She thought she could go to Turkey by train.

Pronouns and other words

We change pronouns from I to he/she, we to they, etc., when we change from direct to reported thought. We sometimes need to change words that refer to place and time when we change from direct to reported thought.

Direct thoughts Reported / be required thoughts
this that
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the day after
last Friday the Friday before
next Friday the Friday after