Grammar Practice


See sample material

  • Ways of talking about the future (is to be / will be / is going to be / is being) Sample
  • Modal verb review Sample
Verb tenses
  • Tense review
  • Past simple and past participles (fall / fell / fallen)
  • Past simple vs. past continuous (tried vs. was trying)
  • Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous (have collected vs. have been collecting)
  • Ways of talking about the future (is to be / will be / is going to be / is being) Sample
  • Modal verb review Sample
  • Ability (can / could / be able / be capable / enable, etc.)
  • Hypothesis (1) (would have needed)
  • Hypothesis (2) (I wish I was)
  • Necessity (need to be / should be / be required to be)
  • Obligation, prohibition and permission ( (must / have to / be allowed / be required / be permitted, etc.)
  • Probability (1) (may / might / could / must / should / could well be / may just be)
  • Probability (2) (be likely / may / might / could / be certain / chances of / probability of)
Functions and notions
  • Appearance and impression (look as if / sound as though)
  • Cause and result (lead to / due to / result in)
  • Cause and result: non-finite clauses (having tried various methods)
  • Characteristic behaviour (tend to / be in the habit of, etc.)
  • Coercion (make him do it)
  • Comparing (1) (harder than / not as easy as)
  • Comparing (2) (more vs. much)
  • Comparing (3) (by far the healthier / isn't quite as good as)
  • Comparing (4) (the bigger the better)
  • Criticising (forever mucking about / always getting into trouble, etc.)
  • Deductions (apparently / it seems / it appears, etc.)
  • Frustrated plans (was meant to be)
  • Habitual behaviour (will arrive home late)
  • Purpose (to / in order to / so that)
  • Similarity (like / as)
  • Surprise (is shocking to think)
  • Trends (rise steadily)
  • Reported thoughts (she thought she had travelled)
  • Reporting verbs (complain / report / admit / deny / explain)
  • Reported clauses (scientists warn that)
  • Delexical verbs (have an argument / make a decision)
  • Past participles (a found photo)
  • Past participle clauses (set in London)
  • Present participle clauses (musicians performing the Quartet)
  • Past and present participles (best-selling / written in the '60s / writing songs)
  • -ing form (1) (laughing is good)
  • -ing form (2) (the man wearing the sweater)
  • Phrasal verbs: relationships (get on with)
  • Uses of had (had / had to / had left, etc.)
  • Adverb position (always used to go)
  • Adverbs (well / fast / hard / hardly, etc.)
  • Yet (direct yet humorous)
  • Preposition review (knocked to the ground in a mad dash)
  • Indefinite pronouns (anyone / no one / everyone, etc.)
  • Adjective order (tall old man)
  • Conditionals (if I had the money)
  • Indirect questions (didn't know where)
  • Inversion (not only does he)
  • Negation (1) (there was no reply)
  • Negation (2) (no / not / nor / none)
  • Negation (3) (we hardly know him)
  • Packing information into sentences (ancestral women of this particular tribe)
  • Passive review (was stolen)
  • Reciprocal verbs (debate with each other)
  • Verb patterns: verb + noun + noun (name him Andrew)
  • Verb patterns: verb + noun + infinitive with to (help him to speak)
  • Verb patterns: bother (it bothers me to see)
  • Verb patterns: verb + -ing (recommend keeping)
  • Verb patterns: verb + noun + infinitive without to (make me laugh)
  • Verb patterns: verb + with + noun + about + noun (agree with Joe about politics)
  • Ellipsis (quite a few are writers)
  • Substitution (another one writes comedies)
  • Clause substitution (I don't think so)
  • Emphasis (they do have experience)
  • Linking events (when / finally / after that / followed by, etc.)
  • Nominalisation (quality is not sacrificed / there is no sacrifice of quality)