Reported clauses

scientists warn that

1. Nouns used with reported clauses.

The sentences below are from a news report about NASA's calculations of the possiblitity of a giant asteroid colliding with Earth. Complete the sentences by putting the words below into the gaps.

2. One word.

Without looking at the previous exercise, what one word could fit into the spaces?

1. The IAU predicted ___ it would happen at 6:30 p.m. on October 26, 2028.
2. Scientists gave apocalyptic warnings ___ the asteroid would collide with Earth.
3. Scientists warned ___ a collision could not be ruled out.
4. NASA has rubbished the IAU's report ___ an asteroid could collide with Earth.
5. NASA has claimed ___ the chances of a direct hit are zero.

3. Reported clauses.

That introduces a reported clause. The report word can be a verb or a noun.

NASA claims that the chances are zero.
I don't believe NASA's claim that the chances are zero.

The table below contains more words that introduce reported clauses. Type in the missing form of the word.

4. Matching.

Choose the correct beginning for each sentence.

5. Can you remember?

Here are the sentences from the previous exercise again. Try and complete them from memory.