Transcript for "Making Presentations"

Presentation 1
OK, umm, yes. Well, yes, I wanted to talk about our new product. It's a new drink. It's called Herb Life. It's a new drink from my company, the Mythical Herb Factory.

Um, OK, everybody's been drinking Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta for a long time now, and we know it's not good. So we've made this new drink. It's good for you because it's made from herbs. Our scientists know it's good for you.

Um, you can drink it anywhere, and it's got lavender, thyme, parsely, lemon grass and rosemary in it. Um, it's also got natural sweetners. Um, also if you feel tired or depressed it's good. Mmm, OK, you can try it if you want. It's really very good. Thanks.

Presentation 2
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Could I have have your attention, please? Today I'm going to present the Mythical Herb Company's new product: Herb Life. Herb Life is a selection of bottled herbal drinks. I'll begin by explaining some of the background to the idea of bottled herbal drinks, and then I'll go on to talk about what they are made of, and finally, I'll reveal Herb Life's unquestionably beneficial effects on the consumer's health.

As you can see from this graph, over the last 20 years there has been a massive growth in the soft drinks market, and products such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta have become household names. However, if you take a look at this graph, there has been a growth in the concern for the potentially harmful effects of drinking such unnaturally-based products. Are we really aware of what we are putting into our bodies? We at the Mythical Herb Company have decided that the consumer wants a healthy alternative – an alternative that tastes good and an alternative which is actually good for the body. That alternative is Herb Life.

Over a considerable time, our scientists and dieticians have been studying the possibility of combining the undeniably beneficial effects of different herbs and natural sweeteners into a readily available drink which can be purchased over the counter – a drink which can be drunk day and night, on the beach, in the gym ... you name it, it's suitable for every situation. This drink only contains 100% natural ingredients with refreshingly new flavours such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, lemon grass and parsley, to name but a few.

It is well-known that the origins of many of today's modern medicines can be found in herbs and plants. The herbs we have selected are gently stimulating, relaxing, revitalising or tonifying. They are good for your circulation, for your skin, for your heart and for other vital organs of your body. And above all, Herb Life drinks are delicious.

So, ladies and gentlemen, after hearing about all the wonderful qualities of the Mythical Herb Factory's new bottled herbal drinks, I would like to invite you all to try the different varieties of Herb Life. I am convinced that once you have tried them, you will agree with me that Herb Life is the drink of the future.