Vocabulary Practice


See sample material

  • Ageing (wrinkled, short-sighted, hard of hearing...) Sample
  • Arguing (lose your temper, come to blows, fly off the handle...) Sample


  • Accident and intention (by accident, on purpose, by mistake...)
  • Adjective synonyms (dreadful – horrid, wise – sensible...)
  • Ageing (wrinkled, short-sighted, hard of hearing...) Sample
  • Arguing (lose your temper, come to blows, fly off the handle...) Sample
  • Babies (cot, high chair, nappy...)
  • Bad behaviour (mess about, misbehave, be up to no good...)
  • Benefits (gain, improve, enhance...)
  • Cold and heat metaphors (heated argument, cool-headed, a warm and caring person...)
  • Distance (far, distant, faraway...)
  • Ecology
    Compound words (energy-saving, central heating, eco-friendly...)
    Ecological behaviour (bins, recycling, appliances...)
    Verbs describing change (reduce, cut, decrease...)
  • Education (preschool, primary school, adult education...)
  • Evidence (trace, sign, proof...)
  • Fashion
    Clothes (V-neck jumper, suede shoes, flared trousers...)
    In and out of fashion (fashionable, trendy, old-fashioned...)
  • Food and eating
    Food and nutrition (protein, cholesterol, fibre...)
    Ways of eating (lick, pick at, wolf down...)
    Ways of serving food (helping, lump, pinch...)
  • Housing
    Construction (lay foundations, framework, carpenter...)
    House metaphors (in ruins, open doors, go through the roof...)
    Housing parts (high-rise, storey, veranda...)
    People and housing (flatmate, tenant, landlord...)
  • Language (accent, fluency, mother tongue...)
  • Losing and finding (mislay, recover, turn up...)
  • Money (afford, owe, worth...)
  • Music idioms (face the music, play second fiddle...)
  • Nature
    Animals (lizard, mole, trout...)
    Australian animals (emu, koala, platypus...)
    Dolphins (mammal, flipper, fin...)
    Trees (root, trunk, branch...)
  • Noticing, realising and thinking (realise, notice, be aware of...)
  • Opinions qualified with adverbs (arguably, apparently, obviously...)
  • People
    Appearance (features, looks, expression...)
    Face features (scar, ruddy cheeks, thinning hair...)
    Parts of the face (nostril, forehead, cheek...)
    Personality adjectives (self-confident, insecure, unassertive...)
  • Photos
    Describing photos (in the distance, in the foreground...)
    Types of photos (interior, landscape, snapshot...)
  • Phrasal verbs
    Phrasal verbs and pronouns (pick her up, look after her, throw it away...)
    Phrasal verbs with get (get on, get up, get by...)
    Phrasal verbs with knock (knock something down, knock someone over...)
    Phrasal verbs with out (carry out, wipe out, cross out...)
    Phrasal verbs with take (take it back, we took off, they took over...)
    Phrasal verbs with up (keep up, take up, set up...)
    Phrasal verbs: talking about food (go for, wash down, do without...)
  • Purpose (aim, goal, target...)
  • Quantifiers (all of, half of, most of...)
  • Recreation
    Sports and games (bowling, cue, net...)
    Television (audition, channel, commercials…)
  • Religion (prayer, temple, worship...)
  • Repetition (forever having the same row, these repeated arguments...)
  • Rules and consequences (authorise, permit, ban...)
  • Shapes and lines (square, oval, wavy...)
  • Shopping
    Shops and shopping (stall, market, corner shop...)
    Words with shop (shop around, window shopping, shoplift...)
  • Sleep
    In the bedroom (slippers, pillow, blanket...)
    Phrases and idioms with sleep (sleep it off, sleep in, oversleep...)
    Ways of sleeping (doze off, turn in, have a nap...)
  • Sport
    Sportspeople (athlete, golfer, cyclist...)
    Sports reports (track, pitch, umpire...)
    Testing for drugs in sport (take a test, test positive, be disqualified...)
  • Technology
    Car parts (boot, bumper, windscreen...)
    Cars and driving (overtake, pull up, service station...)
    Gadgets (saw, plug, lever...)
    Machines (device, appliance, gadget...)
  • Time expressions (all night, in three days, tomorrow morning...)
  • Travel
    Describing journeys (set off, make it to, reach...)
    Travel phrases with prepositions (arrive at, on foot, go by train...)
    Travel verbs (set off, end up, get to...)
  • Ways of laughing (giggle, chuckle, be in stitches...)
  • Ways of saying you don't know (I have no idea, I give up...)
  • Ways of seeing (spot, sight, catch a glimpse...)
  • Work
    Work words (work, career, job...)
    Work and money (salary, wage, pay...)
    Work and time (overtime, pay, shift...)

About English vocabulary

  • Academic words (theory, evidence, method...)
  • American vs. British English (flat – apartment, bill – check, autumn – fall...)
  • Dependent prepositions (depend on, belong to, responsible for...)
  • Verbs with at (look at, laugh at, strike at...)
  • Adjectives with prepositions (afraid of, angry about, clever at...)

Word building

  • Adjective suffixes (harmful, musical, childhood...)
  • Adjectives from nouns (wonder – wonderful, awe – awesome...)
  • Compound adjectives 1 (grey-haired, low-paid, well-behaved...)
  • Compound adjectives 2 (Oscar-winning, nail-biting, high-pitched...)
  • Compound adjectives and compound nouns with numbers (nine-month-old girl, two-metre-high wall, five-litre bottle...)
  • -ing forms (Singing in the Rain, Snow Falling on Cedars...)
  • Noun formation (cowardice, humility, perversity...)
  • Nouns formed with -ness (slackness, pettiness, blackness...)
  • Nouns from phrasal verbs (workout, getaway, phone-in...)
  • Nouns from verbs (announce – announcement, approve – approval...)
  • Word formation and repetition (… be motivated. Lack of motivation...)
  • Words ending in -able and -ible (detachable, edible, dependable...)
  • Words ending in -ify (clarify, magnify, pacify...)
  • Words ending in -sh (crush, dash, rush...)

Words in use

  • Compound words with line (online, lifeline, bottom line...)
  • Do, make, take (take time, make a mess, do the housework...)
  • Fun vs. funny (he's so funny, it was so much fun...)
  • Get (get a result, get better, get home...)
  • Get with adjectives (get excited, get upset, get sick...)
  • Idioms with at (at the drop of a hat, at the end of the day...)
  • Laugh (don't make me laugh, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...)
  • Let and make (let me go, she made me go...)
  • Like and as (like a guest, as one who has tried...)
  • Stay (stay in, stay open, stay overnight...)
  • Take (take a photo, take a bath, take the car...)
  • Up (go up, drink up, come up...)