1. A letter.

Read the first part of a letter and choose the correct options below.

Dear Ray,

The house is growing at a great rate. The foundations were laid two weeks ago. Now the timber framework is already up. The roof is to go on next week, and then the electrician is to start. It looks great. We expect it will be finished in a month or so. Dad has been taking photos for you.

The view from upstairs is terrific. We have lots of windows – nine upstairs looking out the front – and big folding glass doors downstairs opening onto the wooden porch. The builder is very happy with Ralf's design. He says that we won't move in a cyclone.

Dad cleans up each afternoon, picking up nails, sweeping up the sawdust. Next week he is going to fly to Townsville for two weeks. I'm taking over his job while he's away. Luckily the weather has been good lately. I think it's going to be warm and sunny again this weekend. I hope it stays like this until the roof is on. I will send you some photos.

Have to go now. The carpenters are coming over for a cup of tea in ten minutes. Will continue this letter this afternoon, when ……..


2. Reading comprehension.

Choose the house which is described in the letter.

3. True or false?

Read the letter again, and decide whether these statements are true or false.