Vocabulary Practice


See sample material

  • Food (mushrooms, prawns, duck...) Sample
  • In a restaurant (order a meal, pay the bill, leave a tip...) Sample


  • Approximation (approximately, roughly, about...)
  • The arts
    Cinema (review, cast, scene...)
    Types of films (romance, comedy, drama...)
  • Bad luck (bad luck, unlucky, unfortunately...)
  • Change (go up, rise, fall...)
  • Charity (charity, donate, raise money...)
  • Clothes
    Types of clothes (jeans, trainers, suit...)
    Describing clothes (tight, baggy, striped...)
    Clothes verbs (wear, carry, get dressed...)
  • Crime (rob, steal, burgle...)
  • Education
    School subjects (art, I.T., history...)
    Academic stages (primary education, continuous assessment, university degree...)
  • Evidence (evidence, sign, track...)
  • Food (mushrooms, prawns, duck...) Sample
  • Free time
    Collections (pin, coin, stamp...)
    Walking and hiking (walk, trek, hike...)
    Equipment for a journey (backpack, boots, sleeping bag...)
    Exercise instructions (turn your head, touch your toes...)
    Physical exercise (be in shape, be fit, training...)
  • Furniture and rooms
    Furniture (bunk bed, desk, wardrobe...)
    Describing a room (bare, noisy, spacious...)
    Rooms and contents (untidy, rug, bookshelf...)
  • Health
    Aches and pains (hurt, pain, sore...)
    Health and illness (ill, cold, ailment...)
  • In a restaurant (order a meal, pay the bill, leave a tip...) Sample
  • Money (coin, note, bill...)
  • Names (nickname, surname, short for...)
  • Nature
    Animals (owl, goat, horse...)
    Animal expressions (as strong as a horse...)
    Animal parts (fur, claws, feathers...)
    Animal suffixes (bird-like, dog-sized...)
    Fictitious and real animals (dinosaur, dodo, yeti...)
    Geographical features (desert, valley, ocean...)
  • Negative feelings (regret, disappoint, miss...)
  • Opinions qualified with adverbs (virtually, relatively, probably...)
  • People
    Ages and stages (toddler, kid, youngster...)
    Family (brother, sister-in-law, niece...)
    Happiness and sadness (smile, frown, funny...)
    Life events (born, birth, get married...)
    Parts of the body (mouth, hand, shoulder...)
    Parts of the face (eye, lip, chin...)
    Face verbs (blink, blush, frown...)
  • Phrasal verbs
    Phrasal verbs 1 (find out, look after, give up...)
    Phrasal verbs 2 (break down, break into, break up...)
  • Shopping
    Shops and products (pharmacy, conditioner, newsstand...)
    Shopping and money (cost, store, gift...)
    Talking about prices (price, bargain, discount...)
    Talking about products (product, garment, goods...)
  • Sport
    Different sports (golf, archery, snowboarding...)
    Sportspeople, actions and equipment (court, net, serve...)
    Sport verbs (lose, beat, defeat...)
  • Technology
    Computers (browser, server, cursor...)
    Electrical equipment 1 (switch, lead, turn on...)
    Electrical equipment 2 (CD player, laptop, alarm clock...)
    Electrical appliances (fridge, washing machine, dishwasher...)
    Ways of joining things (clip, staple, glue...)
  • Time expressions with prepositions (in January, on Christmas Day...)
  • Travel
    Forms of transport (tractor, van, boat...)
    Travel nouns (travel, journey, flight...)
  • The universe (the Sun, a moon, a planet...)
  • Weather (strong wind, thick fog, heavy rain...)
  • Work
    The interview process (apply for a job, get an interview...)
    Work events (give notice, retire, get the sack...)
    Work nouns (applicant, promotion, resignation...)
    Jobs and companies (laboratory technician, pharmaceutical company...)

About English vocabulary

  • Word types (adjective, adverb, article...)
  • Capital letters (Monday, Australian, Earth...)

Word building

  • Adjectives ending in -ing or -ed (amazing - amazed, depressing - depressed...)
  • Adjectives ending in -ive (protective, preventative, productive...)
  • Affixes (preheat, reheat, overheat...)
  • Compound adjectives (never-ending, long-term, greatly-reduced...)
  • Negative prefixes (unfair, disqualified, indiscreet...)
  • Nouns from verbs 1 (recover – recovery, arrange – arrangement...)
  • Nouns from verbs 2 (disappear – disappearance, suspect – suspicion...)
  • Verb, adjective and adverb forms (surprise, surprising, surprisingly...)

Words in use

  • During and for (during the night, for six months...)
  • Reply, promise, ask, suggest, complain (reply to a question, promise to do something...)
  • Phrases with tell (tell me, you can't tell...)
  • Phrases with give (give advice, give an answer...)
  • Keep vs. stay (keep in touch, stay in a flat...)
  • Lie, fake, false (tell a lie, a fake banknote, a false statement...)
  • Phrases with time (lose, waste, spend, pass...)
  • Phrases with sight (sight, sighting, out of sight...)
  • Talk, speak, say (talk to me, speak a language, say something...)