Transcript for "Making Presentations"

Introduction of subject
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I'm going to talk about our new range of tents we are going to launch for this season. I'll begin by talking about the different special features of each model, and then I'll give you a breakdown of the dimensions, prices, etc.

Detailed Information
OK, if you'd like to take a look at the model A45D, you can see immediately how strong this model looks. This is the result of several years of research. As I'm sure you realise, this particular model is ideal for the serious adventurer who might use this tent in minus-zero temperatures.

So, ladies and gentlemen, that is our new collection of camping equipment. I'm sure you will agree that the improvements which have been made on last year's models are quite significant. The exact specifications of each model can be found in our latest catalogue.

OK, does anybody have any questions?
Yes, could you tell me what advantages the model A45D has over the model A25T for Arctic conditions?
Yes. Well, that's a good question ....