Present perfect continuous

I have been studying

1. The correct question.

Look at this dialogue and decide which is the best sentence to complete the speech bubble.

2. The correct answer.

What is the woman's answer?

Present perfect continuous

Affirmative and negative

I/You/We/They have
been reading.
He/She/It has


Have I/you/we/they been reading?
Has he/she/it


The present perfect continuous is used:

- to talk about situations which started in the past and continue in the present.

  • I've been living here for three years.

- to explain the result of a recent past activity.

  • I'm tired. I've been studying all day.
  • I'm hot. I've been running.

The form of the present perfect continuous is have/has + been + past participle.


3. Write.

Write sentences for these situations.

e.g. Jack started working at 9.00. It is now 12.00.  
  Jack .  

4. Questions.

Here are the time periods for the sentences in the previous exercise. Can you write the questions?

e.g. For three hours.
  How long Jack working?