Ways of talking about the future

is to be / will be / is going to be / is being

1. Talking about the future.

Read a letter about a new house being built. Then drag the sentences from the letter to the concept they correspond to.

For example:
The builder says the house won't move in a cyclone. = Prediction

2. Referring to the future.

The following 10 sentences all refer to the future. Are the alternatives possible or not possible?


1. Can you stop at the supermarket and get some beer? Frank and Nancy _________.


2. A: Have you heard the news? Wanda's just had a baby!
B: _________.


3. Let's go to the beach this weekend. _________.


4. A: Why is the hotel closed now?
B: _________.


5. A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: _________.


6. No, I can't go to Madrid with you this weekend. _________.


7. Don't worry. _________.


8. Oh dear! Look at those big black clouds. Get your umbrella, Priscilla. _________.


9. I've been using the Internet a lot lately. _________.


10. A: Listen, Phil. I've decided what to do about that problem.
B: _________?