1. Types of film.

Match the types of film with the descriptions.

2. Types of film.

What type of film have these people been to see?

3. Film nouns.

Read a forum post on a film and drag the film-related nouns to the box.

4.  Film glossary.

Choose the correct words to complete the film glossary.

5. Missing words.

Use the words to complete the forum entry.

6. Positive and negative adjectives.

Drag the adjectives into the correct box.

7. Pronunciation: Positive and negative adjectives.

Word stress
The stress in a word is the part that we accent or emphasise.
For example, in the word amazing, /o O o/ the stress is on the second syllable.

Listen to, repeat and record the words. Pay attention to the correct stress in each word. Note: This exercise doesn't give feedback on the correct stress.

8. Positive and negative adjectives.

Use the adjectives to complete the sentences.

9. What's the film?

Match the two parts of the sentences. Can you identify the film?

What famous film do the sentences describe?

See answer

A Fistful of Dollars

10. Prepositions.

Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences from the previous exercise.