1. Write.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below.

Alternative 1 – A travel disaster
Choose one of the following tasks:

1. Write the account of your holiday disaster.

2. Invent a travel disaster story ending with one of these sentences:

  • That's the last time I'll ever take a ferry.
  • If I'd known how bad the flight was going to be, I'd have taken the train instead.
  • It was the worst hotel I'd ever stayed in.

Your composition should be between 200 and 300 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.

Alternative 2 – Your last holiday
Write to your tutor describing your last holiday. Answer the following questions:

  • When was the last time you went on holiday?
  • Where did you go and why did you choose to go there?
  • What did you do?
  • Did you have a good time? Did everything go according to plan?
  • Would you recommend this holiday?

Write between 200 and 300 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.