The vowel sound //

size, nine, right...


Play and listen.

1. Listen.

Listen to the dialogues. Where does each one take place?

2. The sound /aɪ/.

Now listen to the dialogues again. Count the number of times you hear the sound /aɪ/ (as in my).

Choose the correct answer.

3. Sound and spelling.

Here are three very common ways of spelling the sound /aɪ/:

igh for example right

i_e for example like

_y for example my

Now listen to the dialogues again.

Can you write down the words which contain the /aɪ/ sound?

Look at the transcript of the dialogues to check your answers.

See transcript

4. Sound and spelling.

Put the words with /aɪ/ into the correct box.

5. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat the dialogues. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the words that have the sound /aɪ/.

Dialogue 1

- I like these ones.
- OK. What size are you?
- Thirty-nine.
- OK. Here you are.
- Yes, they're fine. I'll take them.
- Right.

Dialogue 2

- I was looking for a jacket.
- What sort?
- Something light, for the summer.
- Would you like to try this one?
- Yeah. What's the price?
- Fifty-five pounds.

Dialogue 3

- Mum, where's my bag?
- Next to mine. Why?
- I'm going out for a while.
- OK. What time will you be back?
- Around nine.
- Have a good time.