Contrasting vowel sounds (3): /ɜ:/, /ɔ:/

work - walk, were - wore...


Play and listen.


Play and listen.

1. Listen.

You are going to listen to some word pairs. These words contain the vowel sound /ɜ:/, as in Turkey, or the vowel sound /ɔ:/, as in Torquay.

Listen to the pairs of words. Are they the same or different?

2. Listen and choose.

This time, choose the word(s) that you hear when you listen.

3. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat.

1. Turkey
2. talk
3. work
4. I work a lot.
5. He's walking in Torquay.
6. They were shirts.
7. the blackboard
8. firm words
9. the cord's torn
10. the ferns burn