Vowel sounds and rhymes

The mountaineer began to cry. Because the mountain was too high.

1. Spelling and pronunciation patterns.

Which of these short poems rhyme?

For example:

I was lying in my bed,
eating cheese and bread.

It rhymes because bed rhymes with bread.

Now listen to the poems to check your answers.

2. Listen and check.

Listen again and repeat the poems.

1. The mountaineer began to cry
  Because the mountain was too high
2. This is something new
  I think I've got the flu
3. He started eating meat
  And finished eating bread
4. My horoscope said that on the sixteenth
  I should stay in bed and think about my health
5. Wherever the carpenter could
  He made things out of wood
6. This is not much good
  I think I've lost my food
7. My wife and I laugh
  As we cut the pizza in half
8. She put the strange hat on her head
  And slowly went very red
9. I'm trying to think of one
  I can use to rhyme with fun
10. She said she would tell a joke
  If she could only remember some

3. Vowel sounds.

Classify these words into columns according to the vowel sounds.


Now classify these words into columns according to the vowel sounds.

Now listen to check your answers. Repeat the words.