Phrasal verbs with out

carry out, wipe out, cross out...

1. One word.

Which one word can be used to complete all the sentences?

NASA's research was carried ___ after the IAU's announcement.
An asteroid could hit Earth, wiping ___ our civilisation as we know it.
A life-threatening collision could not be ruled ___ .
The nuclear winter effect after impact would blot ___ the sun.

2. Word focus: phrasal verbs with out.

The adverb out has two main meanings when used as part of a phrasal verb.

Something appears or is
brought to a conclusion.

The sun came out from behind a cloud.

Other verbs in this group:
carry out

Something disappears.


Two names on the list were crossed out.

Other verbs in this group:
wipe out, rule out, blot out

Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

3. Phrasal verbs with out.

Now put the verbs from the previous exercise into one of the boxes below to show what the meaning of out is.

4. Phrasal verbs with out.

Replace the phrases in bold with a phrasal verb with out.

If you need some help, you can look at the phrasal verbs.

call out, carry out, run out, hand out, put out, make out, work out, sort out