1. Numbers.

Listen to these numbers. Which number do you hear?

2. Listen and repeat.

Listen to and repeat the numbers.

question 1 16 60 66
question 2 1.6 10.6 106
question 3 250 2,050 2,500
question 4 15 50 1.5
question 5 12 20 22
question 6 1989 1998 1899
question 7 2,300 3,200 32,000
question 8 10,000 20,000 12,200

3. Saying numbers.

Listen to, repeat and record the numbers.

4. Saying numbers.

Listen to, repeat and record the numbers. (Two of the numbers are years: 1989 and 1899.)

5. Listen and write.

Listen and write the answers to these sums.

plus = +
minus = –
times = x

Write your answer in figures (e.g., 17).

6. Speak and listen.

Now, practise saying the sums.

question 1 16 + 5 – 1
question 2 60 – 13
question 3 2.1 + 3.5
question 4 5 x 12
question 5 14 – 4 + 2.5
question 6 1.5 x 2 – 3
question 7 500 + 250 + 15
question 8 666 – 16
question 9 12.5 + 2.5 x 2
question 10 8.2 x 2

7. Listen and repeat.

Listen to, repeat and record the calculations.