-ed endings (2)

changed, mended, washed...

1. Verbs and participles ending in -ed.

Select a number in the menu to show how many syllables the words have.

For example:

changed has 1 syllable
mended has 2 syllables

Now listen to the words.

2. Pronunciation in context.

Practise saying the words and sentences after the recording.

1 striped
a pin-striped suit
He wears a pin-striped suit to work.
2 checked
a checked apron
I wear a checked apron when I cook.
3 patterned
a patterned dress
She was wearing a patterned dress.
4 ironed
ironed overalls
He wears nicely ironed overalls.
5 stone-washed
stone-washed jeans
She always buys stone-washed jeans.
6 high-heeled
high-heeled boots
High-heeled boots are in fashion again.
7 sleeved
I'll wear a short-sleeved blouse.
8 bell-bottomed
bell-bottomed jeans
I used to wear bell-bottomed jeans.

3. Verb tenses in context.

Listen to the sentences and decide whether they are in the past, in the present, or we don't know without more context information.