
What do you think of the new computer? It's quite fast. It's quite fast.

1. Using emphasis to modify your opinions.

Listen to the questions below. For each question you will hear two answers. Are the answers the same or different?

2. Expressing opinions with quite.

If you express an opinion using quite with an adjective or adverb, the opinion sounds more positive if you emphasise the adjective or adverb.

Listen to this example:

A: What was the weather like?
B: It was quite nice.

The same opinion sounds less positive if you emphasise quite:

A: What was the weather like?
B: It was quite nice.

3. Practice.

You will hear the questions from exercise 1 again, this time with one answer.

Choose if the opinion in the answer is positive.
Remember: An opinion is positive if the adjective or adverb is emphasised.

Choose if the answer is not very positive. Remember: An opinion is not very positive if quite is emphasised.

Listen and choose:

4. Practice.

Here are the answers to the previous exercise. Listen again and select the word in the answer that is emphasised.