Description: My family

1. My family.

Match the words to the picture.

Listen to the words.

2. Vocabulary extension.

Match the vocabulary to the picture.

Listen to the words.

3. Read.

Read the description and choose the correct options to complete the information below.

My name's Diane and I'm 32. I work in an office. I'm studying English because I need it for my work. I have a sister. Her name is Lee. She goes to school. At the weekends we spend a lot of time together. I live with my parents and sister because flats are very expensive here. I have a boyfriend but we're not married. I like going to the cinema, but I don't have much free time. In my free time I like reading and playing sports. What about you? What's your family like?

4. Verbs.

Use the verbs to complete the description.

5. Connecting ideas.

Match the two parts of the sentences.

We can use and, but and because to connect two sentences. For example:

a. My name's Diane. I'm 24.
My name's Diane, and I'm 24.
b. I'm single. My brother is married.
I'm single, but my brother is married.
c. I'm studying English. I need it for my work.
I study English because I need it for my work.

6. And, because or but?

7. Can you remember?

Here is the text you looked at in GRAMMAR. Complete the text with the words below.

8. Write.

1. Write about your family.

Describe your family.

You can use the text in the previous exercise as a model.

Remember to include information about:

  • the names and ages of the people in your family
  • where people in your family live
  • what jobs people in your family do
  • free-time activities

Here's some language you can use:

  • I have…
  • My sister's name is…
  • My brother's name is…
  • My father's name is…
  • I live with…
  • My brother likes…
  • In his free time he likes…

Write between 60 and 80 words.