Noun phrases


We can make a sentence more complex by putting more information into it. Here are four simple sentences:

  • This painting represents women. (noun)
  • The women are ancestral. (adjective)
  • The women are of this particular tribe. (preposition phrase)
  • The women are sitting in the shade of a tree. (participle clause)

All this information can be contained in one sentence. For example:

This painting represents

ancestral women of this particular tribe sitting in the shade of a tree.
  Adjective Noun Preposition phrase Participle clause

We cannot change the order of these elements.

  • This painting represents ancestral women sitting in the shade of a tree of this particular tribe.
  • This painting represents women ancestral of this particular tribe sitting in the shade of a tree.

To show another example, look at these sentences:

  • Sarathbabu was inspired by his mother. (participle clause)
  • His mother worked very hard. (adverb)
  • Sarathbabu was inspired by his mother while he was growing up. (preposition phrase)
  • He grew up in a tiny thatch-roofed hut. (preposition phrase)
  • He was surrounded by poverty while growing up. (participle clause)
  • Sarathbabu dreams of creating employment and enabling people to fend for themselves. (clause)

All this information can be packed into the following sentence:

Inspired by his hard-working mother while growing up in a tiny thatch-roofed hut and surrounded by poverty, Sarathbabu now dreams of creating employment and enabling over 100,000 people in India to fend for themselves.